Sunday 4 September 2011

Arrival in Uganda

Well, here I am, in Uganda! I have never been here before, but similarily to the way I felt when I arrived in India, there is an odd sense of familiarity. Perhaps it is that I have spent the past few years in new places, or because I feel a connection to cultures other than my own. Either way, there is something so alive about the developing world. Everyone has a purpose and appears to be going somewhere or selling something, for the most part there is a sense of hope, and foreigners are more than welcome (with a few shouts and grabs).

I came to Uganda feeling rather calm, as I figured I really had nothing to lose. Life had been less than ideal over the past little while and I reached the conclusion that I may as well be somewhere new and interesting trying to help others. And, well, to be truthful I had also reached a point where I needed to put the lessons I have learned over the past year to practice, so in a zombie like fashion, I travelled for 24 hours to show up in Uganda.

I have great feelings about this next adventure. I already feel like I have a family here, I have seen more genuine smiles and warm welcomes in the past few days that I can count. My friend Lilu (who I went to Kings' College with) calls me daily to check-in, and I had a personal driver over the weekend, Richard, whom I now consider a friend.
I deploy to Karamoja tomorrow which takes approximately 12 hours by SUV. Karamoja is a region that is considered a 'humanitarian emergency' populated by a nomadic tribe of warriors (the Karamojong), 80 percent of whom live below the poverty line. As Lilu has explained to me, we live very simply and from the land. I will have more to say on Karamoja over the next little while. But until then, I find comfort in being surrounded by likeminded compassionate souls.

Here's to adventures and selfless service! Out and out.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear from you and safe travels up North. It is an exciting adventure indeed and will follow your news as you post. Was delighted to see you this summer in our beloved Cap Pele and will send some pix your way soon when I download them all from my camera!


    Your cuz,

