Saturday 1 October 2011

Love is all there is!

It’s hard to believe that I have been here almost a month! Time really flies around here. I am feeling content and purposeful here, like there is some direction and meaning to it all. Mostly I think I feel happy because I am able to at least make the effort to give to others. It is a lot more difficult to find love in the west- in all of its forms. We are very closed off, so disconnected. We suffer greatly, but we suffer from ignorance, from attachment, from thinking that there is something ultimately wrong with our surroundings and that we need to keep working to change it. We do not suffer from a lack of worldly possessions. Here in Moroto, people’s suffering is so much more tangible, and when it is tangible, it is as if it can be changed with a simple act of love. Perhaps that is my ignorance!
I have an example. Yesterday I was driving back from lunch with my colleagues and we drove past two children lying on the side of the road who looked like they were dead. In fact I thought they were dead. This was nothing unusual to me, because the value on life here is so little. People kill, people die, it is a very accepted reality among the warriors. There is less attachment to life and being ‘alive’. Anyway, we stopped to make sure they were not dead and they weren’t. But they were two little children who couldn’t walk they were so ill, they were lying on the side of the road and nobody stopped to help them. We put them into DDGs vehicle (which we are not supposed to do) and drove them to the clinic. There is nothing groundbreaking about this act, who knows if it helped, who knows if they will live another day, but it is that tangible suffering that is so acute here that I feel one very small act can relieve.
It is easy to get lost in it all, to take on the suffering and to slip into guilt. But then I realize that it is not my role to feel guilty or pity or ashamed for my skin color or the life in which I was born, it is what I do with what I have been given! Someone once said that if you have money, it is because you were generous in your past life, but if you are not generous in this life with your money, you will suffer greatly in the next! I think about that a lot. Money, possessions, things, the manifest…they provide temporary relief to suffering, I can easily walk around giving everyone a few dollars and feel a sense of relief for my “generosity”. But I realize at the end of the day, the thing that will change the world, in reality the only thing, is love and kindness!

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading the recent posts and am sure it is a time of great reflection and a re-ordering of sorts for your mindset that constantly changes with each new experience. I love that you invest the time to assess what lesson is to be learned. Very inspiring my dear.


    Your cuz Michael
